The Media Access Control ( MAC) number uniquely identifies the network device and, through the use of higher-level protocols such as the Internet Protocol you can associate the MAC address with the host name. 通过使用更高级别的协议,比如可以将MAC地址和主机名关联起来的internetprotocol,MediaAccesscontrol(MAC)数可以惟一地标识网络设备。
In addition to providing effective service-level and system-level TCP DoS mitigation, IBM AIX TCP Traffic Regulation provides system-wide TCP connection resource diversity across source Internet protocol addresses initiating connections. 除了提供有效的服务级和系统级TCPDoS缓解措施之外,IBMAIXTCPTrafficRegulation还可以跨发起连接的源IP地址提供系统范围的TCP连接资源多样性。
Recall that the Internet Protocol ( IP) is the core network layer protocol that sits below the transport protocol ( most commonly the Transmission Control Protocol, or TCP). 回想一下,InternetProtocol(IP)是传输协议(通常称为传输控制协议或TCP)下面的核心网络层协议。
It consists of services like Voice over Internet Protocol ( VoIP) and Unified Communications, including instant messaging, video conferencing, and interactive white boards. 它由IP语音(VoiceOverInternetProtocol,VoIP)和统一通信等服务组成,包括即时消息、视频会议和交互式白板。
This article is targeted to audiences with a basic understanding of protocols over Internet Protocol ( IP), particularly HTTP and SIP. 本文的目标受众是对网际协议(IP)上的协议(特别是HTTP和SIP)有基本了解的人员。
Both new and current users of SL needed to download and install a new viewer to enable the private Voice over Internet Protocol ( VoIP) feature, and VoIP itself was prone to glitches. 无论是SL的新用户还是当前用户,他们都需要下载并安装一个新的查看器以支持这个私有VoiceOverInternetProtocol(VoIP)特性,而VoIP本身则容易出现小故障。
The most famous example of layering is the Internet Protocol stack. 最有名的分层示例是网际协议堆栈。
The network protocol is typically an Internet Protocol ( IP), which requires that each program runs on a computer with a unique IP address. 网络协议一般指internetprotocol(IP),这要求每个程序在有惟一IP地址的计算机上运行。
Sockets connect client-side software to server-side software using a combination of an Internet protocol ( IP) address or a Domain Name System ( DNS) address and port number. 套接字组合使用了一个Internet协议(IP)地址或一个域名系统(DNS)地址和端口号,将客户端软件连接到服务器端软件。
To get the best out of this tutorial, you should have a basic knowledge of the UNIX operating system, and a basic understanding of how networks and the Internet protocol ( IP) operate. 要从本教程获得最大的收益,您应当具有UNIX操作系统的基本知识,以及基本了解网络和Internet协议(IP)的运作方式。
In bindings mode, clients connect directly to WebSphere MQ using the Java Native Interface ( JNI), while in client mode they connect using Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol ( TCP/ IP). 在绑定模式下,客户端使用Java本地接口(JavaNativeInterface,JNI)直接连接到WebSphereMQ,而在客户端模式下,它们使用传输控制协议/网际协议(TCP/IP)连接。
The Internet Protocol defines an IP address as a32-bit number. 互联网协议将IP地址定义为一个32位的编号。
With the growth of technologies such as instant messaging, Internet Protocol ( IP) telephony, and video over IP, a new wave of applications are being created combining multiple technologies over IP. 随着即时通讯、InternetProtocol(IP)电话技术、IP视频等技术的发展,新一轮应用浪潮正在出现,这些应用结合了多种基于IP的技术。
Internet Protocol Security ( IPSec) is a framework for a set of protocols that helps you implement security at the IP packet level. InternetProtocolSecurity(IPSec)框架提供一组协议,帮助您在IP数据包级别上实现安全性。
The first type of network scanning you should use is one that finds and locates the Internet Protocol ( IP) addresses in use on the network. 您应该使用的第一种类型的网络扫描是,在网络中查找并定位正在使用的Internet协议(IP)地址。
Part of the firewall contains three applications: Transmission Control Protocol/ Internet Protocol ( TCP/ IP), User Datagram Protocol ( UDP), and ICMP. 部分防火墙包含3种应用程序:传输控制协议/网络协议(TCP/IP)、用户数据报协议(UDP)和ICMP。
Internet protocol vulnerabilities-such as vulnerabilities that allow man-in-the-middle attacks-are therefore relevant for cloud computing. 这样一来,互联网协议漏洞也就和云计算发生了关系,像是导致中间人攻击的漏洞。
IP address: in full Internet Protocol address; Number that uniquely identifies each computer on the Internet. IP地址:全名网际网络协议地址,在网际网络上,辨识计算机主机的专属数字。
It is increasingly difficult to treat the Denial of Service attacks, because internet protocol is inherently not secure. 由于网络协议本身并不安全,所以处理拒绝服务攻击是非常困难的。
Port Hopping Communication Technologies Based on Internet Protocol 基于INTERNET网络协议的跳端口通信技术探究
Data communication and networking protocols, with study organized to follow layers of the Internet Protocol Suite ( TCP/ IP family of protocols). 数据通信和网络协议,当研究被组织跟随互联网协议随员(协议TCP/IP家庭的层数)。
In this paper, an analysis of the procedure and security of IMS ( Internet protocol multimedia subsystem) authentication and key agreement protocol has been made. 本文分析了IMS认证与密钥分配协议的过程,找出了认证协议中的安全缺陷,并给出了攻击者可能进行的攻击。
In the Internet, the connectionless protocol is the Internet Protocol ( IP). 在国际互联网上,无连接协议即是互联网协议。
Research on DDos and Its Technology of Locating Attackers in Different Internet Protocol 基于不同网际协议的分布式拒绝服务攻击源定位技术的研究
Internet Protocol addresses are the unique number sequences allocated to every website. 互联网通信协议地址是分配给每个网站的唯一编号顺序。
A router connects two or more IP ( that's the Internet Protocol) networks. 路由器可连接两个或更我IP(即internetprotocol)网络。
Transmission control protocol Internet protocol 传输控制协议和互联网协议
IP datagram embodies the mechanism of internet protocol in IP layer. IP数据报的内容体现了网际互联层的网间协议的协议机制。
The launch of new IPTV services provides telecoms companies with the opportunity to hit back at cable companies that are using their own broadband internet pipes to offer high-speed internet access and voice telephony based on VoIP ( Voice over Internet Protocol) technology. 新型IPTV业务的推出为电信公司提供了反击有线电视公司的机会。这些有线电视公司运用它们自己的宽带网络线路提供高速上网服务,和以VoIP(语音网关)技术为基础的语音电话服务。